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If you have correctly install LDG with the LDG installer program, this section can be probably ignored.

Notes : with the new version of LDG (version 2.00), some environ variables are obsolets.

TSR installation

  1. Copy the file LDG.PRG into your AUTO folder (probably C:\AUTO).
  2. Copy the file LDG.CPX into your CPX folder (probably C:\CPX or C:\GEMSYS\CPX).
  3. If you use a multitasking OS, copy LDGD.APP in your START folder (typically, C:\GEMSYS\MAGIC\START for MagiC, for Naes you probably have to add a line in your N_AES.CNF file such as `exec C:\GEMSYS\MAGIC\START\LDGD.APP'. This program can be omitted. It is used to discharge libraries which not used by a client (typically, when a client crashes). You can clean LDG manually rom the LDG CPX.
  4. Reboot your computer or launch directly LDG.PRG.
  5. Open the LDG cpx, and choice a folder for the LDG-libraries. (probably C:\GEMSYS\LDG or C:\LDG).
  6. Save the configuration with the `save' button of the CPX.
  7. Copy all your LDG files (*.LDG extension) into the LDG-folder.
  8. If you have a multitasking system, copy the file LDGMGR.APP in in LDG-folder. If you have a monotasking system, copy the file LDGMGR.APP into your desktop accessories folder and rename LDGMGR.APP in LDGMGR.ACC then reboot your computer.

IMPORTANT REMARK : LDG manager is used only for backward compatibility: client compiled with a LDG system which version number anterior to 2 (1.20 is the last version before 2.00) needs the LDG-manager except if the client used directly cookies functionalities.

Ok, your system is ready to work, try the demo program supplied in the LDG distribution.

Environ variables

The LDG cookie contains the path where LDG libraries stand. In addition of this path, environ variables PATH and LDGPATH are used to locate LDG libraries.

The way to install environs variables depends on your OS:

MagiC, MagicMac, MagiC PC:
edit your MAGX.INF file. Somewhere before the keyword #_CTR, add the following lines:
        #_ENV LDGPATH=your ldg path
edit the file N_AES.CNF and add the environ values with the keyword export. Syntaxe is:
      export LDGPATH=C:\GEMSYS\LDG
edit the file GEM.CNF and add the environ values with the keyword export. Syntaxe is:
      setenv LDGPATH=C:\GEMSYS\LDG
you need a special patch such as GemRam to add environ variables.

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Last updated on April 25, 2005

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