Home List boxes LIST BOX - DO (AES 172) LIST BOX - COUNT ITEMS (AES 174, 0)

2.4.5 LIST BOX - DELETE (AES 173)

DELETE releases the memory allocated for the list box.

WORD lbox_delete( LIST_BOX *box );

lbox_delete( box );

Variable         Argument            Meaning

contrl[0]        173                 lbox_delete
contrl[1]        0                   Entries in intin
contrl[3]        1                   Entries in addrin

addrin[0]        box                 Pointer to the list box structure


contrl[2]        1                   Entries in intout
contrl[4]        0                   Entries in addrout

intout[0]        1

Home List boxes LIST BOX - DO (AES 172) LIST BOX - COUNT ITEMS (AES 174, 0)